

We specialies in UK Investment in Business, Master of Franchise, International brands of restaurant, Property development.

The UK is the number 1 destination for FDI in Europe

Companies choose to expand or move their businesses to the UK because it’s an ideal location. More companies locate their European headquarters in the UK than anywhere else in Europe.

The UK has:
  • • people with the talent and right skills.
  • • a simple and competitive tax rate system.
  • • a transparent regulatory system making it easier to do business.
  • 1. London is the economic engine of the UK.
  • 2. The London Stock Exchange is the largest foreign exchange market in the world, bigger than New York and Tokyo combined, and accounts for nearly a third of total world activity
  • 3. London is considered to be one of the top three world leading technology and media centres second after New York (Real Estate BNP Paribas 2012 TMT survey)
  • 4. There are almost 14,000 overseas-owned companies based in London from 92 countries.
  • 5. London accounts for 79% of European hedge fund assets and 21% of the global market
  • 1. London has more international banks than any other city.
  • 2. More than 70% of the FTSE 100 is located in London.
  • 3. More than 100 of Europe's 500 largest companies are headquartered in central London.
  • 4. 75% of Fortune 500 companies have offices in London.
  • 5. Four of the world's six largest law firms are headquartered here.
  • 6. The world’s four biggest accountancy firms all have offices in London.
  • 7. Globally important media companies from publishing group Pearson, to Reuters and the world's largest advertising business WPP Group are based here.
  • 8. Scores of world-renowned think tanks such as Chatham House and the Overseas Development Institute are located in London.
  • 9. According to the World Bank, the UK is the easiest place to set up and run a business in Europe.
  • 10. Having a central London business address can immediately add a degree of cachet to your company's profile. Your business will be rubbing shoulders with the headquarters of some of the world's top companies and create an excellent first impression.

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